Week 32
The Birth
1/18/04 Week 31 01/12/04 Well Denise made it past week 30 and still did not have
the babies. She held on until Michael's parents flew in on Friday night, and still didn't have them.
As of today she is still holding on even though she is so ready to have them ripped out of her. She
is having a horrible time sleeping, basically she doesn't....She is so uncomfortable. Week 30 01/05/04 Today was a fantastic visit to the doctor. All the babies
are doing well. The question we are always asked is "when is she going to deliver?" The doctor
has told us that as long as all of the following four (4) things are doing well, the babies are
better off inside: Week 27 12/22/03 Happy Holidays to all. This year Denise and I sat on
Santa's lap and asked for 1 healthy child. He told us that he could help us out, but he has
to do things in three's and he couldn't deliver these gifts until after the new year.
Santa (Dr. Treadwell) told Denise that until she delivers, she is to stay in bed and off her
feet. (I guess this is so she doesn't peek at all the presents). Santa also told us that we
shouldn't leave milk and cookies out for her as it may cause Diabetes, kind of like what
Denise has. Today Santa told us that Denise's cervix has shortened from 16mm to 15mm, almost
as short as one of Santa's elves! Although it seems that 1mm is minimal, it really does make
a big difference. All 3 gifts are doing well. Week 26 12/17/03 The end of this week will mark a milestone as Denise
has made it to 27 weeks. Statistics show that babies born at 27 weeks have a 88% chance of
survival. Week 25 12/05/03 Got an early start today as we knew we would be downtown for awhile. Our
appointment took 4 1/2 hours. Thank goodness we packed a lunch. The room smelled like a deli
because we brought some salami and cheese among other things to eat! The doctor was pleased with the progression
of the babies and the
cerclage. All the babies have grown, and weigh more than 1 pound each.
They are smaller than a single baby would be at the same gestational age but they are at the
average size for triplets. The babies sizes and heartbeats are:
Week 24 11/26/03 Another checkup of the Cerclage to make sure it's holding so the babies stay in.
The Doctor said that it looked good with no additional shortening. As of this time, the doctor
has suggested that Denise be on strict bedrest. This is because as the babies get bigger and
if Denise is not off her feet, it puts added pressure on the Cervix. If this happens there is
a possibility that the Cerclage may not hold, therefore causing premature labor. The next 4
weeks are critical as the rate of survival increases each week that the babies stay in. We go
back for more 3D ultrasounds and a complete workup on December 5. Look for a major update then!
Week 22 11/10/03 A good day at the hospital. All the babies were scanned and they all looked
good. They weigh approx. 301g, 306g, 314g (453g is 1 pound) and have heart rates of 152, 152 and 158. The Cerclage is
holding up nicely. The Doctor felt that the Gestational Diabetes was still a little to high
and wants to monitor that a bit more closely. It is possible that Denise will have to start
insulin injections down the road. Week 20 10/28/03 A crazy day today, 10/28/03 down at Harper Hospital. We met with the doctor
after having to wait an hour due to an emergency that she had to attend to. Once we got into
the examination room, everything looked good. The cerclage was holding up and the babies were
very active. After that, we met with the Dietitian, Kim. She spent alot of time with us to
prepare a special diet and meal plan for Denise to follow. The following day Denise took her test
and her numbers were way down. Hopefully they will stay that way. The doctor wants to see Denise
again on November 10. We should have the results from the Amnio back by then.
Week 19 10/20/03 Today, 10/20/03 we went down to Hutzel to have an Amniocentesis done. Dr. Treadwell injected
some dye into just one of the amniotic sacks. This was done so she would be able to tell if
the sample of fluid taken, was from the same sack or 2 different sacks. Unfortunately, she
was not able to get a sample from the sack with baby A. This was due to the sack being so far down
in Denise's uterus, next to the cervix. The (Amniocentesis)
results should be back within 2-3 weeks. The babies heart beats were measured at 150, 154, 156. 120-160 is normal.
The babies weights were measured at 6 , 7 and 8 oz.
Week 18 10/14/03 Today Denise went for a Glucose test. Typically, a reading over
140mg/dl means that you have been diagnosed with (Gestational Diabetes).
Denise's results came back at 201mg/dl. We are scheduled to go to see a registered dietitian
on 10/28 to help us control the Gestational Diabetes. Week 17 10/10/03 Denise finally was able to come downstairs and see our first floor.
She was up in bed for the last 9 days and nights under a sort of Quarentine!. Although she
has a fridge, tv, telephone and now a laptop, she was going a bit stir crazy. But she made
it through and we went to the doctor this morning to have her Cerclage checked. The doctor
said that she was very pleased with how it healed and it was doing great. This was the
first time we had no negative news after seeing the doctor. Just a side note, there is a
good chance that our kids may make it to the National Hockey League. We were in the waiting
room and who was also there ...... Darren McCarty and his wife Cheryl. We figure if they go
to the same place as us......? Ok, were reachin'! Our next appt is Monday 10/20 and Denise
is scheduled to have an (Amniocentesis)
We will update you then. Week 16 10/01/03 Today Denise went to have her surgery (Cervical Cerclage). We went down to the
hospital around 9:30a and she went into pre-op around 11:30a. Then was wheeled into the OR around 1:30p.
They administered a Spinal for the procedure. Dr. Treadwell came out to tell me the good
news around 2:45p. The surgery went well and Denise is doing fine although she had a
bit of discomfort as expected. After she finally got the feeling back in her lower body, they moved
her to an easy chair where she was finally able to eat something. She hadn't eaten
since 8:00p the night before. I don't have to tell you how starving she was! While in the hospital Denise
had an IV in her and had 6 bags of solution pumped through her. Talk about a full bladder....! After
sitting in the chair for almost 5 hours, she was discharged and we came home. A special thank you goes
out to Rosemary, Kathy and Connie, the staff of nurses at the Post Anesthesia Care Unit at Hutzel. You made Denise
feel comfortable and safe. She will be on bedrest from now until the babies are born which is about 16 weeks
from now. Our next appt is Friday 10/10 and we will update you then. Week 15 9/25/03 Good news, sort of not so good news. Went down to the hospital and everything
looked good and all 3 babies are still growing and have good heartbeats. They grew
to 81, 85, 86mm. Unfortunately, we were not able to get any ultrasound pictures today.
The problem is that Denise's cervix has shortened. The doctor was hoping for
30-45mm however it measured 25-28. Therefore, Denise will have to go in for a
procedure called a (Cervical
Cerclage.) It's a surgical procedure used to keep the cervix closed during
pregnancy. The surgery is scheduled for - 10/1/03 down at Hutzel. Week 14 9/15/03 Another positive visit to Dr. Markowitz. Everything looked good
and all 3 babies are still growing and have good heartbeats. They grew to 61, 69,
and 70mm. Next scheduled appt - 9/25/03 at Hutzel.
Week 13 9/8/03 Another trip downtown
Everything looked good and all 3 babies are growing and have good
heartbeats. They grew to 53, 56, and
57mm. The doctor was able to confirm
that there are 2 amniotic sacs. (Monoamnitoic
twins) This
means that we have identical twins in the 1st sac and a third baby in a 2nd sac.
We were told that it looks like the twins umbilical cords are tangled a bit.
We hope and pray that it doesn't get to tight or it could stop the blood flow to one or both babies.
Our next appt is Thursday September 25 downtown again. Week 12 9/4/03 Went to see Dr. Markowitz.
Everything looked fine, all 3 babies are growing and have good
heartbeats. The grew to 47, 47, and
46mm. They were still unable to tell
how many amniotic sacs there are. Hopefully
we can tell that on Monday when we go back to Hutzel. Week 11 8/28/03 Downtown
we go to the Women’s Hospital at Hutzel.
Appt time 9:00. First we met
with the Genetics Counselor Beth Dugan.
We spoke with her for about 45 minutes regarding a multiple birth
pregnancy. After that we went and had
another ultrasound. Neither the
ultrasound tech or the doctor could tell anything more than we already knew. They decided to put Denise on the GE 3D
Ultrasound machine. (The Hubbell
Telescope!) This was so cool! We had to sign a whole bunch of release
papers because this machine is only used for emergencies and research. The machine is owned by our Government and
the hospital cannot bill our insurance so we didn’t have to pay for the
test. They video record the whole
procedure so they can use it for research in the future. We saw all 3 babies moving around, but again
they still couldn’t tell anything more because things are just too small. Sizes – 40, 39, 37mm Week 10 8/21/03 Another ultrasound, 3 heartbeats, 3 babies growing normally,
but no other info was able to be determined. Week 9 8/11/03 Another ultrasound, 3 heartbeats, 3 babies growing normally,
but no other info was able to be determined. Szie – 21, 23, 24mm Week 7 7/31/03 We meet Dr. Jones and take another ultrasound. He said that for now everything looked fine,
all 3 babies are growing and have good heartbeats. The babies were They were still unable to tell how many amniotic
sacs there are. Hopefully we can tell
that on when we go back to Dr. Markowitz.
Size 6, 6, 7mm 7/28/03 Our first ultrasound.
Tina the ultrasound tech told us that she saw 3 heartbeats, but only 1
gestational sac. All the babies were
between 2-3mm in size. The Dr. said
that based on the pictures, he reffered us to Dr. Jones, a high risk specialist
for further care. Week 5 7/17/03 We went to see Dr. Markowitz for a blood test to verify if
we were pregnant. The results came back
the following day and the Dr said that if the Hcg level was over 100, your most
likely pregnant. Denise’s level was
10140. He said that it’s more than
likely you are having a multiple birth pregnancy.
9:00p We were home playing cards and Denise thought she was having contractions about every 30
1:30a Denise wakes up and her contractions are now every 20 minutes.
2:30a Denise pages the doctor.
2:32a The Doctor calls back and tells Denise to drink 2 big glasses of water and she will see
her at the 9:00a normal scheduled appointment.
2:35a The Doctor calls back and says that she didn't like the sound in Denise's voice and told
her to go down to the hospital, but not to rush. She would arrange everything by the time we
got there.
3:10a Denise wakes Michael and tells him the story.
4:30a We arrived at hospital and they strapped 3 baby monitors, a contraction monitor and a
blood pressure monitor to her. She was so uncomfortable.
4:45a Denise was admitted to room 3213 and all the monitors had to be re-done along with an IV.
8:45a By now her contractions are every 5-6 minutes. The doctor shows up and decides to put
Magnesium Sulphate into Denise's IV to help slow the contractions. Not knowing if she may
deliver, they wouldn't allow Denise to have anything to eat or drink, not even water.
11:00a Denise had blood drawn and her platelets were checked. The results came back at 95,
normal is above 150.
4:15p Another doctor comes in to calm Denise down as she is extremely uncomfortable. He
explained that it is from the Magnesium Sulphate and she will have to tough it out. Denise
wasn't happy and wanted to talk with her main doctor. They took blood again to check the
platelet count.
6:30p Her doctor shows up and Denise explains her misery. The doctor says that the babies are
doing fine, but the platelet count was still 95, so she made Denise a deal - she would take
her off the baby and contraction monitors, give her something to help her sleep, and check her
in the morning. She said that she may deliver tomorrow, but the doc wanted to have her own
hand picked team. She said she would arrange it in the morning if needed.
6:15a Blood is drawn again for platelet count.
7:15a The doctor arrives to see how Denise was doing. Denise didn't sleep but 2 hours.
Denise felt just miserable. The doctor decided that the risk of keeping the babies in for 2
or 3 days and having Denise miserable, was a higher risk than delivering today. She felt that
if the babies needed 2 or 3 more weeks, Denise would have to grin and bear it. The doctor
decided to take her off the Magnesium Sulphate and check her again after the platelet count
came back.
9:30a The doctor comes back to tells Denise that her platelet count went down to 94, but her
blood pressure was high and she was starting to get
Preeclampsia. The doctor decides to do an ultrasound.
11:00a The ultrasound is done and the doctor sees that the 2 babies in the same sack were head
down. They have never moved like that in the past and the doctor was surprised to see that.
She was concerned about the cords becoming compressed if they were able to move like that so
she then decided to deliver asap. Due to the platelets being so low, they were not able to
give Denise a spinal or epidural. She had to be given a general anesthesia. Because of that,
Michael was not allowed in the operating room.
1:45p Denise is wheeled down to the OR.
1:50p Michael is dressed in scrubs and escorted to the area just outside the OR to wait for
the babies to come out to the cleanup stations.
1:55p Denise is put under.
1:59p Doctor Olivia Kim tells Michael that baby A is delivered, now to be known as Kylie Shane
weighing 2 lbs 6 oz and 13.5 " long.
2:00p As the doctor breaks the bag of water, both heads of baby B and C popped out at the same
time. Doctor Kim tells Michael that the doctor pulled baby B first (now to be known as Bailey
Erin 2 lbs 9oz 14.5") and then Baby C (now to be known as Madison Lee 2 lbs 9oz 15"). A
doctor brought Bailey out of the OR followed right behind by another doctor who had Madison
and they were brought out to the cleanup area. Doctor Kim told Michael to come over so he
could see what was going on.
2:10p Michael was able to hold both Bailey and Madison. Kylie was being worked on in the
cleanup station in the OR and brought out to Michael but in an incubator.
2:15p All the babies are taken to the NICU. Pronounced Nick You, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2:30p Michael goes to the waiting room and tells the family the good news and finally reveals
the babies names.
2:45p Denise's surgery is complete and she is wheeled into recovery.
3:30p The family is allowed to come in and see the babies in the NICU.
5:00p The family is allowed to see Denise in recovery although she is still a bit groggy.
5:30p Denise is assigned to room 2201 for the remaining time in the hospital.
10:00p Denise is finally allowed to see her new babies for the first time.
1/22/04 Bailey was moved to the Special Care Nursery (Step down) because she was doing so well.
1/23/04 Madison and Kylie were moved to the Special Care Nursery (Step down) because they were doing so well.
1/24/04 Denise is discharged from the hospital.
Today was another good visit to the doctor. All the babies are doing well. The doctor will not "measure" the babies more
than one time in 2 weeks. Sometimes the babies don't gain any weight in just one week and the doctor doesn't
want us to get discouraged. It's kind of like weighing yourself everyday and wondering why
you aren't losing weight. The babies are put through a Biophysical Profile each visit. This is
where they measure the babies movements, arms, legs, breathing, etc... for a period of time.
Each baby can get up to a maximum of 8 points for a perfect score. Today every baby got 8 points.
So they are all on there way to the University of Michigan, Harvard, Yale, MIT or any other school
that accepts 4.0 students. Especially ones that aren't born yet!
The updated stats on the babies heartbeats: A - 150, B - 143, C - 135
Gandma and Grandpa Tarnopol were on hand for the appointment this morning to see their first
ulrasound live and in person. We couldn't tell if they were amazed or just hungry, because we
had to pick up their chins from the floor! They were so excited.
We are supposed to go each week or sooner to monitor the babies progress. Our next appt
is set for Jan 19, 2004.
If any of these things are not good, then the babies will do better outside than in.
Below are the updated stats on the babies heartbeats and approximated weights.
Heartbeat / Weight
Denise's cervix has shortened again, now it is down to 12mm. The doctor was concerned at this
point, however she felt it should be fine until she is ready to deliver. Denise received an
injection of
Dexamethasone today, this is to help the babies lungs develop quicker . The ultrasound
pictures are getting tougher to see as the babies are so big now, that only the head can be
photographed. But the tech was able to split the screen and put the head on one side, and the
body on the other so we could get a better view. Our next appt is on Jan 12, 2004.
Heartbeat / Weight
The umbilical cords, which are tangled like the reins that hold Santa's reindeer, still have
good blood flow. Our next appointment is Jan 5, 2004 for a cervix check. After that another
complete workup on the babies on Jan 12, 2004.
Today was a
short appointment as Denise just had her cerclage checked carefully as well as a quick scan
of the babies. The bad news was that her cervix shortened back to 16mm from 20mm. There
was no evidence of why, but the doctor wasn't too concerned at this point. Our next
appointment is Monday Dec, 22. This should be another involved appointment as a complete
workup of all the babies will be done.
Although the umbilical cords are tangled, fortunately they seem to have no signs of
compression as of yet. Denise's
cerclage. measured 20mm, which is 4mm longer than our last visit. That's a good thing as
now it seems there is less pressure on the cervix. It seems that staying off her feet really
does make a difference. Our next appointment is on December 17. Look for an update
The Amnio Results Are In ! ! !
We are having 3 healthy little girls.
Our house is going to turn into
a Barbie's Dreamhouse!
The sack with the 2 babies looks great, no problems at all.
Although they were only able to get a fluid sampling from the sack with the 2 babies, they felt
that the 3rd baby should be fine. The ultrasound doesn't show any bad signs, and the heartbeat
and growth rate is fine. The doctor felt that by trying to get a sample from Baby A's sack, may
rupture the membrane and jepordize the entire pregnancy. It is very likely that all three babies
are all identical.
After the doctor, we went to tour the facility where Denise will deliver and recover, as well
as where the babies will be recovering. This is a new facility that has State of the Art equipment.
We were very impressed. We saw some other babies there, two that survived from a quintuplet (5)
pregnancy. They have been in the NICU (pronounced Nick You, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) since
Sep 14.
In hopes that Denise will deliver near the end of January, we don't expect our babies to be
home before the middle of March. Our next appointment is November 26 and we will update you then.
We also learned that the Placenta is toward Denise's back which makes it very
difficult to do any type of CVS testing. An Amniocentesis is still a possibility if
we choose to do so down the road.