The Tarnopol Triplets


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06/06/09 - Cutting our hair 5:50 63mb

04/24/09 - Drive Thru Safari 1:58 42mb

01/20/08 - Our 4th Birthday 11:53 124mb

06/15/07 - Splish Splash 2:47 7.2mb

06/11/07 - Flippin' Out! 1:32 3.8mb

05/11/07 - Time to get wet 2:09 5.5mb

04/13/07 - Doll Cakes 4:03 10.5mb

02/14/07 - Stuffed Madison 0:11 1mb

10/24/06 - Who's naked? 1:20 7mb

10/24/06 - Bailey Dance 1:26 7mb

09/16/06 - Where are you? 1:35 7mb

09/16/06 - Dance 1:05 5mb

09/16/06 - Pink hair 1:05 5mb

09/16/06 - I Dance 0:22 2mb

09/16/06 - Row your boat 0:23 2mb

09/16/06 - Bite your toes 1:34 7mb

08/20/06 - Tea Cup Toes 1:04 5mb

08/03/06 - Kids goldfish 1:00 3mb

06/16/06 - Kids having choc cake 1:52 7mb

02/21/06 - Kids giving hugs 0:30 3mb

01/22/06 - Kids 2nd Birthday 5:31 9mb

12/31/05 - Kids wearing sunglasses 1:04

12/31/05 - Let's play in the snow some more 1:49

12/31/05 - Let's play in the snow 1:19

12/14/05 - Getting dizzy 1:23

12/14/05 - Kylie on phone w/Elmo slippers

12/14/05 - Madison says Uh Oh!

09/14/05 - Window cleaning kids!

09/10/05 - Girls getting flipped

09/09/05 - Kids race upstairs for a bath

09/04/05 - Girls at baseball field

02/26/05 - Bailey stealing pacifier

02/25/05 - Kids in the bath - 4 minutes long

02/11/05 - Kids learining to walk 1

02/11/05 - Kids learining to walk 2

02/11/05 - Kids in the Peek-a-Boo tunnel

03/06/04 - Madison and her bottle, Kylie and her pacifier

03/04/04 - All 3 in the play house

03/03/04 - Kylie, Bailey & Madison

02/24/04 - Bailey & Madison come home

02/24/04 - The kids room, before it's destroyed

A special thank you to our family and friends for all their best wishes and prayers.